Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Personal Update


I'm writing today to catch up with you about some changes in our life and ministry. Three and a half years ago, I was led into the marketplace for the first time in my adult life...that was quite a surprise to me after over 30 years in vocational ministry. It turned out to be a blessing for me in many ways and I am really grateful for the experience. Helping a "start up" engineering firm come to market with a breakthrough technology, growing from 3 employees to over 40 and leading the way for the sales thrust of the company was an exciting ride! I discovered some gifts God has given me that had never before been tapped and I grew stronger both spiritually and personally. I also had the opportunity to be a witness for Jesus to my rapidly growing number of co-workers and clients around the country. Terri and I are convinced that the break from vocational ministry was part of a God-ordained plan for our lives.

Though we were able to keep Radius active doing various kinds of ministry all along the way, we had to significantly curtail our ministry activities to make room for all of the intensive work involved in my job. (I did, however, carve out the time to author my latest book...a commentary on Romans...that should be published through Amazon later this month. It’s called The Romance of Romans: God’s Big God Story. I believe it is the most important book I've written up to date.) Just about a month ago now, Terri and I suddenly began to sense that God might be calling us to take steps that would lead us to more active ministry day to day and week to week. We did some serious soul-searching and praying and came to a clear conviction that I should resign from my position. I did resign from Rhythm Engineering on February 22 with expressed admiration, moral support and gratitude from my leaders and co-workers.

As a first next step, Terri and I were able to immediately leave for a two-week time of solitude at a secluded South Texas beach house thanks to the generosity of some friends at a church in Houston where we have ministered regularly through the years. We needed a time of re-centering and rest. We dialed way down and engaged in much prayer, Scripture reading, prayer walking, journaling, deep conversation and listening. It was simply wonderful and we were greatly refreshed and renewed. We also received much confirmation that we had made the correct choice in setting this new course. Some of the unsolicited confirmations we have received have been very specific and timely. We know that we are called to work toward creating a "hybrid" of both ministry and business that will allow us and our family to bear even more fruit for the Lord Jesus and his kingdom for years to come.

I am presently pursuing business opportunities that would allow me the time and flexibility of schedule to also ramp up my work on the ministry front. Terri is also moving forward in her Life Coaching practice. Her website is worth a look! ( We are beginning to re-engage leaders here in Kansas City and around the country to let them know that Terri and I are now more available to serve them and their networks with our gifts. This transition is going to take a bit of time, but we are full of faith and joy in the process.

We will write again to tell you more about some specific things that we are being called to do in ministry through Radius....there are a number of possibilities and opportunities pending here at home, across the country and in other lands. We are praying these things through in a serious way. We ask for your prayers too. Our new website will be up soon with more info about what we are offering and how to contact us.

Thank you for your love and encouragement through the years. We love you back!


Radius Ministries
2800 W. 131st St.
Leawood, KS 66209
(tax deductible contributions can be made out to "Radius")

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