Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Romance of Romans-Part 47

Romans Chapter 8 cont'd

So, no matter how hard they might try, people who live by human energy alone cannot please God.
But now you are obligated to live life not out of your lower passions, but by the Holy Spirit’s impulses, if indeed he really dwells inside of you. And if he doesn't, then you haven't yet become a true Christian. However, if Jesus lives within you, then the controlling energy of sin that previously used your body as a conduit has been short-circuited, and you've been "rewired" so that his Spirit's life can now flow through you as a current of righteousness.

God never intended that the human being would live independently of his life and Spirit. Beyond this, he sent his Son Jesus Christ, who did all that he did, so that the Spirit of God could "come and live and stay" within any human soul who would put their personal trust in him. A life of "holiness" is not so complicated and burdensome...weighed down by multitudes of rules, regulations and taboos. If God has gone to such lengths to "indwell" us, genuine holiness...of intrinsically to do with an interactive relationship between the Trinity and ourselves.

The objective side of holiness functions like boundary markers that keep us from self-deception. In Galatians 5, Paul states that the "works of the flesh" are is the "fruit of the Spirit". The things are are out of bounds and in bounds are quite clearly identified in the New Testament. However, simply because certain people may keep themselves from going out of bounds behaviorally, this is not necessarily an indication or a guarantee that they are involved in the passion and spirit of the game. This is where the subjective side of a truly "holy life" comes to bear.

Are we engaging in real time with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Are we seeking? Are we listening? Are we responding? Are we trusting? Are we fighting? Are we enduring? Are we risking? Are we forgiving? Are we moving forward? Are we sacrificing for love's sake? Are our hearts and heads "in the game"? Are we "minding" the Coach who lives in and whispers his instructions to our souls?

Real holiness is all about the real time and miraculous indwelling and loving dominion of the Holy Spirit over all our human powers that were originally and divinely designed to be fabulous and essential servants, but terrible masters, of the spiritual life.

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