Saturday, August 4, 2007

Lessons of Life as a Dad--Sam's Story

The following is a account of my son, Sam's, experience of a "small miracle" that happened on a mission trip when he was 15. Sam is now 23 and recently married Caitlin Merwin on July 1st. This is an example of the kind of "spiritual branding" I referred to in my last blog that regularly mark young teens when they step out of their comfort zone of home and family to share their faith cross-culturally. Michael

The summer before my freshman year in high school, I applied with the youth group to go on a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico. We were all very excited about the trip, and I had a mixture of excitement and nerves. I remember feeling the desire to hear God, and feel his presence before we went on the two-week trip. I remember being at church and looking at some pictures on a bulletin board of when others from the church had gone to Mexico before. I got really excited and as I looked closer at a group picture, a young Mexican boy wearing a red soccer shirt stood out to me. Suddenly, I heard the name “Alejandro” inside of my head, it freaked me out. I wondered if it was God and if I’d meet a boy named Alejandro… I ruled it out as I usually would, thinking that it was just my own mental creation. A day or two later, however, I was lying in my bed at night with my eyes closed. As I was trickling into sleep, I had a mental picture of a silhouette of a young Mexican boy. As the image became clear, I noticed that he had a red soccer shirt on. Again suddenly, I heard the name “Alejandro” inside of my head. I woke from my vision feeling all of this love and compassion for this boy that I didn’t even know. Regardless, I wanted to meet him. I wanted to share my heart with him. Of course I doubted the experience again, but just in case, I wrote it down in my little moleskin journal (which I still have by the way).

Life moved on in my 15-year-old world, and our team was eventually off to Colorado to train for the trip for a week and then down to Mexico for the second week. What an awesome experience! I remember feeling completely outside of my little world, and it was so much fun. I got to meet new people, share life with them, and hang out with my best friends in the mean time. I had pretty much given up on the whole “Alejandro” experience, and so had kept it to myself and “put it on the shelf” my parent’s would say. I thought that either way, I am having a great time and getting to experience all of this fun stuff. Towards the end of the week in Mexico, I started to wonder if I would ever meet “this” boy. In my heart, I wanted to, but I did not want to deal with the disappointment of thinking I had heard the Lord, but not actually having heard him. It seemed safer not to want it, but I couldn’t shake it. I still wanted it.

Our last day in the mission compound, a friend and I were sitting up on a boundary wall right next door to some local residences. We looked over into a back yard and noticed a young boy walking up to us. We motioned for him to come and talk to us. He climbed up a dirt mound so we could speak eye-to-eye. With the little Spanish I knew, I said hello and asked him how he was doing. I told him my name and then asked him his. He said, “Alejandro”… It took a second for me to realize what he said, and asked him again to clarify. He said, “Alejandro!” All of the sudden it registered. I looked at his shirt, and he was wearing a red, YMCA soccer shirt. I was blown away with awe and excitement. I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t say much anyway. But all of this love filled my heart, so I read him a scripture in Spanish and gave him my sandals, it was the least that I could do. I wanted him to know that he had a destiny and purpose in life, but all I could ultimately share with him was eye contact. I don’t think I will ever forget his eyes. I still occasionally pray for him, that God would meet him wherever he is. I still don’t understand why God allowed that to happen for Alejandro. For all I know, we looked like goofy Americans. I know that God did allow that to happen for me. I really heard God, it was real I knew it and I couldn’t make it up! I spent the rest of that night worshiping God and pouring out my heart to him. He spoke to me, an unsure and insecure 15-year-old… I feel his pride and love even now as I reflect on the experience.


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