Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ireland and the Middle East

I have felt for a long time that what happens in Ireland, on the political front, would be a signal for what can happen in the Middle East--though the specifics are very different in each case. What they have in common is a history of viscious cycles of injustice, violence and vengeance that have trapped both societies in fear and hatred that have barred the way for two opponents, who hold differing world-views, to live at peace as neighbors.
A breakthrough has happened in Ireland's political scene this week. You can read about it at: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/27/world/europe/27irish.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&th&emc=th.
My prayer is that some kind of similar "coming to the table" for the purpose of forging a workable peace in the Middle East will be engineered by Jesus Christ through the influence of His Holy Spirit upon the hearts and minds of "the powers that be" in that war-torn and ravaged land. May Christ's messages of "loving our enemy" and "total forgiveness" find it's application in the hearts of the leaders and people of Middle Eastern countries.

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