Friday, February 9, 2007

My Disciple Dream

Two nights ago I had a spiritual dream. (Terri and I have been blessed from time to time throughout our journey to receive some deeply impacting and sometimes very important dreams from God. Sometime I'll talk more about the qualities of a true spiritual dream vs. one of the "pizza" variety!) this dream I was with Jesus and in the company of His disciples. It was strange in that it was somehow set in both a 1st century and 21st century context simultaneously...almost as though time had been "bent". The details of the dream didn't seem as significant as the feelings I experienced in being involved with Him and His band.

I felt the wonder, excitement, adventure, danger, nobility, passion and the awareness of the divine purpose of being with Jesus on "His mission". There was a daily/hourly sense of depending on the Father's invisible hand of provision, guidance and protection and He was coming through on His end of the relationship...sometimes in dramatic fashion. The "ministry team" was walking together in unity, humility, courage, sensitivity, love for God and others and the power of the Holy Spirit. We were humbled by the honor and privilege of being friends of Jesus and the Father. The sacrifices that we were called to make and the sufferings and hardships we were encountering could not even come close to being compared to the joy and blessing of serving God as the "junior partners" of Jesus. It was a brief taste of what it must have felt like to actually be walking with Jesus when He was on the earth. It was also a taste of what it really is like to know, love, walk with and minister with Jesus here and now--even though He is not physically present with us. Still...He has sent us another Helper to live within us and Who works among and through us. He, the Spirit of God, communicates to us the heart and mind of the Father and the Son.

What an honor it is for us to have a friendship with God in Christ Jesus the Lord!


Michael Sullivant said...
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Michael Sullivant said...
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Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dream!! Thanks for sharing that with all of us!! And i would be very interested in hearing more about "the qualities of a a true spiritual dream vs. one of the "pizza" variety", whenever you decide to write more on that. I have very vivid dreams-- almost every night-- and record most of them when i wake up.... some God has interpreted for me and really spoken to me or others through, but some i just don't know what to do with-- or even if they are just insignificant! Since i don't know much at all on the interpretations of dreams, whenever you do write/speak on that-- let me know-- i want to hear!! :)

Hope you and your wonderful, wonderful family are doing well! Many blessings over you all!


Anonymous said...


I am reminded of 2 Tim. which says "though you have not seen him, you love him, and though you do not see him now, you are filled with an inexpressible joy...the outcome being the salvation of your souls" (or something close to that!) It sounds like you had a taste of the inexpressible in your dream. That verse always sends rushes of reality down my spine and also a sort of sad kind of longing. Anyway, it came to mind and thought I'd share.

Maybe I should have gone to the blog. I will try to do it right next time!

~Anna B.~